Bag ventilation

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A bag valve mask, abbreviated to BVM and sometimes known by the proprietary name Ambu bag or generically as a manual resuscitator or "self-inflating bag", is a hand-held device commonly used to provide positive pressure ventilation to patients who are not breathing or not breathing adequately. The device is a required part of resuscitation kits filexlib. Manual ventilation must compensate for a diaphragm resting higher in the chest, the weight of the chest wall and abdominal contents, and the compliance of the lungs. If ventilation is difficult and vital signs allow, placing the patient 30-45 degrees head up will drop the abdominal contents away from the diaphragm and make lung inflation easier. Bag valve mask or resuscitation bag ventilation is an essential emergency skill, which is most the only option for airway management. There are two types of manual resuscitators. One version is self-filling with air and oxygen is not necessary, the other version of manual resuscitator is frequently used for non-emergency applications in the operating room to ventilate patients during anesthesia induction and recovery.
Bag-mask-ventilation particularly in the pre-hospital setting has been shown to be no less effective than endotracheal intubation (ETI) or EGD use. 1-4 In a large prospective population-based study of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients (649,654), survivors who received BMV had more favorable neurologic outcomes compared to those who had their airway managed by ETI or EGD. 5 With increasing controversy regarding the value of pre-hospital ETI, other means of
BVM resuscitator, or bag valve mask, manual ventilator bag, AMBU bag, is a hand-held crucial self inflating breathing bag of CPR equipment. They are used primarily for resuscitation and manual ventilation to patients. We offer a variety of PVC disposable or silicone reusable bag valve masks (BVM) and manual resuscitator bags in sizes for adults, children, and infants.
Rationale Manual ventilation with a bag-valve device (BVD) is a Basic Life Support skill. Prolonged manual ventilation may be required in resource-poor locations and in severe disasters such as
The manual ventilation bag according to the invention can be combined with all known breathing apparatuses with which manual ventilation is an option. The breathing apparatus can naturally include all known accessories that are suitable for use with these apparatuses, such as bacteria filter, heat-moist exchanger, humidifier, dehumidifier, water trap, etc.
Proper ventilation involves delivering an appropriate volume at a rate and force that minimize gastric insufflation and the potential for breath stacking and barotrauma. The specific type of bag used is critically important. Self-inflating bags are useful in the emergency situation because of their low cost and simplicity.
Bag ventilation is one of the methods that can be used to get additional air down into the lungs when a patient requires manual respiratory support. The bag is a thick-walled, self-expanding rubber 'balloon' that is inflated with ambient air and then squeezed to blow air into the patient. Consequently, the bag is a spare ventilator. A bag ventilator must be used when the
Manual ventilation involves delivering positive pressure ventilation using a self-inflating bag device attached either to a facemask (bag-valve-mask, or BVM) or an invasive airway device (bag-valve-device, or BVD) such as a supraglottic airway (SGA) or an endotracheal tube. Manual ventilation is a challenging skill, particularly when delivered
1. Recognize the need to ventilate a patient, an


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